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California Dreamin'

California Dreamin'

Welcome to California Dreaming - a personal glimpse into the lives of Jennifer Åkerman and Tom Payne as they navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood, careers, and the arrival of their baby twins in the heart of LA.


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Ep3 | Our Twins Birth Story

In this episode Tom and Jen talk about the birth. What they had planned, what took them by surprise, all the people involved and how aftercare is everything. The twins names are revealed and Jen and Tom let some emotion out.

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Ep2 | Sex & The Sunset Strip

It?s one 1 week left before the twins are arriving and Tom & Jen bring you back to their early LA days, how Tom proposed on the Sunset Strip and they reveal the sex of the babies!

Produced by: ?Second Home PR

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Ep1 | TWINS "So What You Gonna Do?"

Tom and Jen welcome you to the first episode of 'California Dreamin?. They share the recording of when they received the very unexpected news of the twins, how they fell in love and why Los Angeles is special to them. Did Tom plan this all along?

Produced by: Second Home PR

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We welcome you to California Dreaming - a personal glimpse into the lives of Jennifer Åkerman and Tom Payne as they navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood, careers, and the arrival of their baby twins in the heart of LA.

Produced by Second Home PR

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