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Spirituality Speaks

Spirituality Speaks

When you feed the right "food" for your soul you will have all that you can imagine in life. Support this podcast:


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Terence McKenna - The beginning of the human consciousness

Terence McKenna talks about our consciousness on this planet and our evolution from the past to the present with so many psychedelic spaces and theories. Spirituality Speaks podcast is all about Spirituality, Life, and self-improvement. If you want to heal your soul and mind please join us for more content from the greats. --- Support this podcast:
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Alan Watts - Why am I poor? What is money and wealth?

Alan Watts discusses money and addresses problems like technological automation and universal basic income, as well as the source of guilt and the question, "Are we going to make it with this system?" What exactly is money? What exactly is wealth? What is the most fundamental type of capitalism, and what are its various mechanisms? What is the mechanism behind it? Spirituality Speaks podcast is all about Spirituality, Life and self-improvement. If you want to heal your soul and mind please join us for more content from the greats. --- Support this podcast:
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Terence McKenna - What in the world is going on? The truth behind being alive

Terence McKenna explains the fact of the question What in the world is going on? and what does it mean to be in a human body in a world with a cultural nature you're trying to find yourself and your opportunities while living in it. Spirituality Speaks podcast is all about Spirituality, Life and self-improvement. If you want to heal your soul and mind please join us for more content from the greats. --- Support this podcast:
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Terence McKenna - What is reality? - Spirituality to feed your soul -

Terence McKenna discusses what's reality and what is so great about it. This podcast is all about Spirituality, Life and self-improvement. If you want to heal your soul and mind please join us for more content from the greats. --- Support this podcast:
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Terence McKenna - The Truth of Ego - Spirituality to feed your soul -

Terence McKenna talks about the truth of the EGO and how we can use it positively. This podcast is all about Spirituality, Life and self-improvement. If you want to heal your soul and mind please join us for more content from the greats. --- Support this podcast:
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Alan Watts - Who Am I? -Spirituality to feed your soul-

Alan Watts discusses the nature of us, Who We Are? and how to get our minds back. This podcast is all about Spirituality, Life, and self-improvement If you want to heal your soul and mind please join us for more content from the greats. --- Support this podcast:
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Alan Watts - Stop Chasing What You Think Will Make You Happy -Spirituality to feed your soul-

Alan Watts discusses how to Stop Chasing What You Think Will Make You Happy
This podcast on Anchor is all about Spirituality, Life, and self-improvement
If you want to heal your soul and mind please join us for more content from the greats.

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