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Pastor Rick's Daily Hope

Pastor Rick's Daily Hope

Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.


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How to Get Ready for a Miracle ? Part 1

God is not sweating your unsolvable problem. He knows the solution to your problem before you even recognize it?s a problem! Pastor Rick explains in this message why you need to give God whatever you have?your ?five loaves and two fish??even if you don?t think it amounts to much.
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What Happens When You Have Faith ? Part 2

Faith doesn?t always take you out of the problem. But faith always takes you through the problem! In this message, Pastor Rick explains why resilience is one of the most important characteristics you need in life and how it?s connected to your faith.
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What Happens When You Have Faith ? Part 1

If you study the Bible and history, you find that every time God moves on earth and does a miracle, it?s because somebody believed. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how your faith can move mountains and open the door to miracles in your life.
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What to Remember When Things Don't Go Your Way ? Part 3

This life is not all there is. And when life isn?t going the way you planned or wanted, you need to focus on the things that will last for eternity. Pastor Rick continues to teach in this broadcast what to do when things don?t go your way and how Jonah shows us that the greatest use of our lives is to invest in what can never lose.
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What to Remember When Things Don't Go Your Way ? Part 2

What?s so great about God?s goodness? Just look at Jonah, who ran from God and rejected his mission and thought he knew better?and God still showed his goodness to Jonah and brought him back into his good plan. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick helps you understand why you can rest and trust in God?s goodness when things seem out of control.
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What to Remember When Things Don't Go Your Way ? Part 1

God sees the big picture?the past, present, and future all at the same time?and that should be a great comfort as you pursue God?s mission for your life. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he teaches how to trust God when things don?t go your way instead of clinging to your limited understanding.
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What to Do When You Get a Second Chance ? Part 3

Warning, warning! Those words may get your heart racing, but when God gives you a warning, it's a good sign! It means he still trusts you with your life mission. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why it?s critical to obey God right away when he gives you a second chance and how God wants to use you, no matter who you are or what you?ve done.
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What to Do When You Get a Second Chance ? Part 2

We know that God?s plan is always the better way to go?and we still choose our own way sometimes. But no matter how your circumstances have changed since you stopped following God?s plan, your life mission never changes. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he looks at Jonah?s example of returning to the mission God created us to complete.
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What to Do When You Get a Second Chance ? Part 1

Do you ever wish you could get another chance at something? When God gives you a second chance to get on track with your mission, you need to respond with gratitude and obedience. Pastor Rick shares in this broadcast why you need to use your second chance to make God?s mission the top priority in your life.
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What to Do When It Feels Hopeless ? Part 3

God always responds to faith. When you look at the life of Jonah, it?s amazing to see what God did through him when he finally decided to submit to God?s plan, even though he didn?t understand it. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast about what to do when you feel hopeless and why you need to take a step a faith and thank God in advance for what he will do through you.
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What to Do When It Feels Hopeless ? Part 2

Do you ever want to just cry out to God and tell him how hard life is? God wants to hear it! He wants you to look to him and tell him how you?re struggling while you?re pursuing your mission. Pastor Rick helps you understand in this broadcast how God cares about your pain and is ready to restore your hope.
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What to Do When It Feels Hopeless ? Part 1

When you feel hopeless, it?s easy to focus on your circumstances. That?s when you need to remember this: No matter what is changing around you, you can always count on God?s unchanging goodness and faithfulness. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach a biblical response to feelings of hopelessness so you can continue in your mission.
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What to Do When You Cause a Storm ? Part 3

Jonah didn?t want to follow God?s mission for him and go on a long journey to preach to Israel?s enemies. But Jonah also found out that the longer you run from your mission, the worse the storm is going to get. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he shows you how to stop running from God and accept and follow God?s mission for you.

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What to Do When You Cause a Storm ? Part 2

When you run from God?s mission for your life, there will always be consequences. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick continues to look at the book of Jonah and shows you why, even though your life mission may be scary at first, it is always better to take a step of faith and follow God?s plan.
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What to Do When You Cause a Storm ? Part 1

If you want to know God?s mission, then you have to get in the Bible. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why you need God?s wisdom when you face the storms that come with your mission. You?ll learn the ways God speaks to you to reveal his mission for you and keep you on the right path in the middle of the storm.
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The Mystery of God's Plan ? Part 3

In today?s message, Pastor Rick teaches about the crucial role Jesus plays in fixing the broken bond between God and us. Learn why Jesus needed to step in and make amends for our mistakes, setting the stage for a new beginning. Learn how you can always live in peace for the present and rest in hope for the future!

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The Mystery of God's Plan ? Part 2

Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how the sinful choices made by humans have devastated the world and been disastrous in our lives. When we mishandle the gifts God has given us, there will always be consequences. Learn about God?s plan for our redemption.
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The Mystery of God's Plan ? Part 1

Are you ready to uncover the mystery of God's plan? Pastor Rick digs deep into the reasons the world is in such chaos, and then he reveals the heart of God and his endless love. The great mystery of God?s redemptive, eternal plan applies directly to your life, both now and in the future.
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How the Resurrection Changed Everything ? Part 2

The cross and the resurrection prove God?s power over death so you no longer need to fear it. In this episode, Pastor Rick explains how the resurrection frees you to live with purpose and faith, knowing that when you die, you'll live forever in heaven because of your faith in Jesus Christ and his resurrection.
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How the Resurrection Changed Everything ? Part 1

But God never intended for you to live life that way. That?s why he sent Jesus?to give you forgiveness for your sins so you can live free, letting go of the sin and guilt from your past that weigh you down. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how the power of the resurrection transforms your life.
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Standing Out at Work ? Part 3

Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to earn the trust of your colleagues by being reliable. As you learn to take on more responsibility, you?ll be able to reach your maximum potential at work.
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Standing Out at Work ? Part 2

In this message, Pastor Rick explains why loyalty is important to your success at work, and how your choices affect the way the way your coworkers relate to you??
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Standing Out at Work ? Part 1

In this broadcast, Pastor Rick looks to Joseph for an example of how to follow an audacious dream given to you by God. Learn how to step out in faith, even when God?s plan doesn?t make sense or the odds seem against you.
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Making Wise Decisions at Work ? Part 2

When you have a major decision to make, the Bible says to count the cost. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can use God?s Word to evaluate the cost of any decision.
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Making Wise Decisions at Work ? Part 1

Are you facing a tough decision about what to do with your career, such as whether or not to change jobs? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches what you can learn from Solomon?the wisest man who ever lived, a wealthy businessman, and author of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
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The Work God Shaped You to Do ? Part 3

In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches what God promises when you trust him by faithfully using your gifts to fulfill his purpose for your life.
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The Work God Shaped You to Do ? Part 2

Ecclesiastes 5:7 says, ?Dreaming instead of doing is foolishness, and there is ruin in a flood of empty words? (TLB). In this message, Pastor Rick explains why it is important to start trying those things you?ve always wanted to do.
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The Work God Shaped You to Do ? Part 1

You can learn a lot from your experiences?good and bad. In this message, Pastor Rick explains why it?s important to review the events of your life so you can see how God has taught you through your successes and failures.
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The Purpose of Work ? Part 3

In today?s global economy, the new missionaries are businesswomen and businessmen. Pastor Rick teaches in this message how to use your business to further God?s Kingdom.
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The Purpose of Work ? Part 2

God is far more concerned about who you are than what you do, but he does use your work and your workplace to develop your character. Pastor Rick uses this message to explain how your workplace is a life course in character development.
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The Purpose of Work ? Part 1

God wants you to work so you can express what he made you to be. He?s given you certain gifts and talents, and he expects you to use them! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can know if your job is right for you.
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Never Fight Your Battles Undressed! ? Part 3

How do you put on the full armor of God? Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why prayer is essential for preparing yourself for spiritual war. Prayer is how we fight the battle! And the best time to put on your spiritual armor is in the morning, before you even set foot out the door.

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Never Fight Your Battles Undressed! ? Part 2

If you?re going to win spiritual battles over doubt, discouragement, and defeat, then you have to understand that the truth about you is what God says about you. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches in this broadcast how to submit your thoughts to God as he leads you to truth.
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Never Fight Your Battles Undressed! ? Part 1

No matter who you are, you?re part of a spiritual war. But the Bible tells us that we?re not alone in this fight?and we already know who wins! In this message, Pastor Rick explains how God?s presence and promise of victory gives us power for the battle.
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When Your World Falls Apart ? Part 2

No matter what you?re going through and no matter what?s happened in your life, God isn?t done with you, and he?s never going to forsake you. You don?t have to be afraid! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how God hears and answers your cries for help, no matter how deep the well of pain and grief seems.
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When Your World Falls Apart ? Part 1

God wants you to know he can handle your anger, your gripes, and your grief. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches why, if you don?t talk out your emotions with God, you?ll end up taking them out on someone else. When you feel like your world is falling apart, the first step toward recovery is getting real with God about how you feel.
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Being Faithful in a Faithless World ? Part 2

God wants us to learn to be generous, because he wants us to be more like him. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why, when you use what God gives you to help others, you learn to trust him and develop one of his characteristics: sacrificial generosity.

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Being Faithful in a Faithless World ? Part 1

The Bible tells us that God is looking for people with faith?but faithful people are hard to find. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why living the life you were created to live requires you to trust God with your finances, your health, your job, your relationships, and your future.

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Why Is Life in This World So Hard? ? Part 3

When you get closer to God, his light reveals your sin and how it causes emotional distress and disappointment, relational distance and discord, and a disconnect with God?the worst result of all. But Jesus overcame the world and defeated the power of sin! Learn from Pastor Rick in this message what that means and how it will change your life.

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Why Is Life in This World So Hard? ? Part 2

Disappointment is a natural part of life, because everything on this planet is broken. No one is perfect, and nothing works perfectly! The good news is that God knows we?re in a mess. And Pastor Rick wants you to understand in this message why God had to send Jesus to rescue us and bring us home to heaven.
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Why Is Life in This World So Hard? ? Part 1

Why is this world so hard to live in? The Bible says it is because we all want to be our own boss?we think we know what will make us happy more than God does, and so we want to do life on our own. But that will never work! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how Jesus helps us make it through the difficulties of life.
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Making the Hard Changes in Me ? Part 3

Satan wants to establish a foothold in your life, and once he gets deep enough into an area of sin, he turns the foothold into a stronghold. Once that happens, it will be harder for you to take back control of your life. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick talks about strongholds and what we can do to protect ourselves against them.

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Making the Hard Changes in Me ? Part 2

Spiritual transformation is a process of developing new habits over time. Habits become the building blocks of change and collectively shape our character. Join Pastor Rick as he encourages you to engage in the small, step-by-step process with the Holy Spirit that leads to spiritual maturity.
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Making the Hard Changes in Me ? Part 1

Before there was sin, death and sadness and sorrow and difficulty did not exist. It was only when everything got broken that our rebellion brought death into the world. But Pastor Rick reminds us in this message that God did not leave us without hope?and he is ready to help us change and become more like him.

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Set Free From Me ? Part 3

It?s easy to become so focused on what not to think about that you end up thinking about it even more! The Bible teaches that the thoughts we resist tend to persist. Pastor Rick explains in this broadcast how Jesus helps us to shift our thoughts from negative to positive.

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Set Free from Me ? Part 2

You can say ?no? to sin?and you need to constantly remind yourself of that as you seek freedom from your hurts, habits, and hangups. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how to make the right choices as you respond to the Holy Spirit at work in you.

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Set Free From Me ? Part 1

You simply can?t make lasting changes on your own. The only way to make a real change in your life is to let God change you from the inside out. Pastor Rick explains in this broadcast how the Holy Spirit helps you overcome the self-destructive things you do that keep you from life change.
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Winning the Battle Inside Me ? Part 3

Do you feel defeated today? Maybe you?re thinking, ?I just want to give up.? Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why being ready to give up is a good thing. You can stop trying to do everything on your own, because it?s impossible. But you can?t do life without Jesus. You need his power to keep going!
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Winning the Battle Inside Me ? Part 2

As Christians, we are born again through the Holy Spirit, yet our old sin nature still fights for control. In this broadcast, you?ll learn how the apostle Paul reached a point in his walk with God where he was exhausted because of the intense war going on inside him and how Paul?s testimony can encourage you as you fight the same battle.
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Winning the Battle Inside Me ? Part 1

You know that when you come to God and confess your sin, he is faithful to forgive. But God also wants you to confess your sin to another person. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast how an accountability partner helps you make lasting changes as you experience someone else loving you unconditionally, accepting you, and praying for you.

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