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The true science behind our most popular urban legends. Historical mysteries, paranormal claims, popular science myths, aliens and UFO reports, conspiracy theories, and worthless alternative medicine schemes... Skeptoid has you covered. From the sublime to the startling, no topic is sacred. Weekly since 2006.


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Skeptoid #935: Fruitful Feedback and Followups

Skeptoid answers another round of listener feedback questions.

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Skeptoid Adventures: Death Valley 2024

Come join the Skeptoid Adventures trip for 2024, a journey of exploration in Death Valley!

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Skeptoid #934: Decoding the Kensington Runestone

The story goes that this stone covered with Viking runes was found in a Minnesota field in 1898. Its true history is much more interesting.

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Snazzy New Store Items

Get the snazzy new Skeptoid Hydro Flask tumbler or radical new Skeptoid coffee mug. Both are engraved so they?ll never fade. Now available at the Skeptoid store at

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Skeptoid #933: COVID-19 and the Lab Leak

Was the SARS-CoV-2 virus of natural origin, or was it engineered in a Chinese research lab?

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Skeptoid #932: Is Recycling for Real?

A close look at where recycling of some common materials is actually at these days.

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Skeptoid #931: Error Erasure Extravaganza

It's time once again for Skeptoid to correct another round of errors in previous shows.

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Skeptoid #930: Dr. Crow and the Melon Heads

Some say creepy children with huge balloon heads stalk the woods at night, waiting to attack you.

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Skeptoid #929: The Trinity UFO Crash of 1945

The not-so-famous UFO case that caused the US Congress to spend millions of taxpayer dollars.

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Skeptoid #928: EMDR: Looking Past the Pain

This controversial treatment for PTSD involves moving the eyes side to side.

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Skeptoid #927: I Can't Believe They Did That: Human Guinea Pigs #3

Part 3 in our roundup of scientists who took the ultimate plunge and experimented on themselves.

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Skeptoid #926: The Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO

In 2006, a flying saucer spent minutes literally hovering right above Chicago's O'Hare International Airport... so the story goes.

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Skeptoid #925: The Conspirituality of Enneagrams

Can everything important about you and those you interact with be boiled down to a single digit?

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Skeptoid #924: Foo Fighters

What were these early UFOs that chased and harried World War II fighter pilots?

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Skeptoid #923: The Voodoo Ax Murders

Were two waves of ax murders in the American south in the early 20th century truly associated with Louisiana Voodoo?

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Skeptoid #922: Testing Alcubierre's Warp Drive

Proponents of alien visitation often claim the Alcubierre drive makes faster than light possible. Here's why it can't exist.

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Institutional Partners for Our New Show

Skeptoid is looking for institutional partners and/or title sponsors for a proposed video series.

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Skeptoid #921: Reconsidering the Seveso Dioxin Disaster

Was this infamous 1976 dioxin disaster as bad as reported, or might it have been much worse than we thought?

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Skeptoid #920: The Headless Goats of the Chattahoochee

The carcasses of headless goats are floating in the Chattahoochee River; too many for a prosaic explanation.

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Skeptoid #919: Looking Back on the Chronovisor

A Benedictine monk is said to have built a device allowing him to see and hear historical events.

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Skeptoid #918: Martin Luther King Jr. Myths

We break down four popular myths about Martin Luther King Jr. that just won't go away.

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Skeptoid #917: DDT, 13 Years Later

A failure mode analysis of my most-hated episode ever: #230 on the use of DDT to fight malaria.

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Skeptoid #916: Ask Me Anything, 2023 Edition, Part 2

Skeptoid rapid fires a bunch of mini-episodes in answer to your questions.

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Skeptoid #915: Ask Me Anything, 2023 Edition, Part 1

A year-end Ask Me Anything session to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Skeptoid and more.

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Say Goodbye to 2023

Help us say goodbye to 2023, Skeptoid style.

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Skeptoid #914: Stopping Hiccups with Science

Does science have a way to reliably cure the hiccups?

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Skeptoid #913: Surviving Brazil's Snake Island

This Brazilian island is said to be too dangerous to visit due to countless venomous snakes.

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Skeptoid #912: Kambo: Let It Go

Some believe that taking a deadly frog poison confers a vast array of New Age wellness benefits.

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Skeptoid #911: How to Escape Nibiru

Some believe this speculative rogue planet is on a collision course with the Earth.

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Skeptoid #910: How to Spot Misinformation

Much content online is designed for high engagement, not for accuracy.

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Skeptoid #909: Fixing Former Fumbles

Skeptoid corrects another round of errors in past episodes pointed out by listeners.

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Skeptoid #908: Your Creepiest Halloween Stories

Celebrating Halloween with the creepiest ghost stories sent in by you, our listeners.

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Skeptoid #907: The Science of the 27 Club

Do lots of famous pop musicians really die at the age of 27, or is there something in science that just makes us think so?

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Skeptoid #906: Unraveling the Myth of Nazareth

Did the village of Nazareth exist at the time of Jesus, making it possible for there to have been a Jesus of Nazareth?

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Skeptoid #905: Artificial Turf: Poisonous Pitches?

Some claim that artificial turf sports fields emit poisonous chemicals, making them dangerous for children.

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Skeptoid #904: Pop quiz: 17 for 17

What better way to celebrate 17 years of the Skeptoid podcast than a 17-question pop quiz!

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Skeptoid #903: Tracking California's Monster Salamander

Does a monster salamander the size of Asia's largest live undiscovered in the Pacific Northwest?

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Skeptoid Flashmob!

If you're going to be at CSICon 2023, join the Skeptoid Flashmob!

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Skeptoid #902: Focusing in on Eye Exercises

Can you really make your eyesight better with a simple series of eye movements and exercises?

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Skeptoid #901: The Mystery of the Severed Feet

Severed feet have been washing up on the shores of the Salish Sea since 2007. What could be the cause?

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Skeptoid #900: Mussolini's Aliens

How an old Italian UFO hoax became proof of alien visitation to the US Congress

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Skeptoid #899: Berberine: Thin Body, or Thin Evidence?

This supplement is claimed by social media influencers to be Nature's Ozempic.

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Skeptoid #898: Finding the Third Man

Reports from some extreme adventurers say that a benevolent presence sometimes appears to provide comfort.

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Skeptoid #897: The Secret of the Norden Bombsight

Pop culture tells us the famous Norden bombsight from World War II was actually terribly inaccurate. Was it?

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Skeptoid #896: The Treasures of the Copper Scroll

This greatest of all imaginable treasures from the Dead Sea Scrolls probably never existed.

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Skeptoid #895: The Hottest Temperature on Earth

Is the world record highest air temperature a solid measurement, or might it be invalid?

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Skeptoid #894: The Klerksdorp Spheres

Are these remarkable stones natural, or proof of an ancient advanced civilization?

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Skeptoid #893: Finding the Lost Tribesmen: Aure and Aura

Were these two men from an Amazon tribe that had been massacred, or could their story be explained more simply?

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Skeptoid #892: The UFO That Wasn't Swamp Gas

A look into the origin story of swamp gas as the explanation for UFOs.

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Skeptoid #891: How to Change a Conspiracy Theorist's Mind

A roundup of the ways that work ? and that don't work ? to help a conspiracy theorist free himself from the rabbit hole.

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